Unit 1
- Typing simple commands
- Understanding basic syntax rules
- Understanding error messages
- Using the counting loop
- Identifying the number of repetitions
- Repeating a single command
- Repeating multiple commands (block of code)
- Identifying repeating patterns that include sequences of commands
- Using additional operations before the counting loop
- Using additional operations after the counting loop
- Using multiple consecutive counting loops
- Using nested counting loops
Unit 2
- Using the conditional statement (if-statement)
- Combining if-statements and counting loops in simple settings
- Combining if-statements and counting loops in complex settings
- What to do when the condition is not satisfied
- Combining multiple conditions
- Combining conditions and nested loops
- Keywords “and” and “or”
- Using the conditional loop (while-loop)
- Using the keyword “not” in while-loops
- Combining conditions and while-loops
- Using additional commands before and after the while-loop
- Using multiple sequential while-loops
- Solving complex tasks that combine while-loops, counting loops, and conditions
- Navigating a robot through an unknown maze
Unit 3
- Defining and using custom commands
- Reusing existing custom commands to solve new tasks
- Combining multiple custom commands to solve a task
- Solving complex tasks by splitting them into simpler ones
- Following a winding wall that is on the robot’s right
- Following a winding wall that is on the robot’s left
- Counting operations and assessing program efficiency
- Understanding the purpose of variables
- Initializing new variables in various ways
- Increasing and decreasing the values of variables
- Displaying the values of variables
- Using variables to count objects
- Using variables to count other features in the maze
- Returning values
- Measuring the dimensions of objects
- Understanding the difference between global and local variables
- Understanding the purpose of local variables
Unit 4
- Working with X and Y coordinates
- Using comparison operators ==, !=, <, > in conditions and while-loops
- Combining comparison operators with keywords “and” and “or”
- Using the keywords “True” and “False”
- Using functions that return True or False
- Combining True and False values with the keywords “and”, “or”, “not”
- Generating random integers
- Modeling rolling one die
- Modeling rolling two dice
- Creating random objects
- Calculating the minimum of a sequence of numbers
- Calculating the maximum of a sequence of numbers
- Creating empty and non-empty lists
- Accessing list items via their indices
- Appending items to a list
- Displaying lists
- Using a list to store X and Y coordinates of objects
- Using the for-loop to parse lists
- Checking if an item is present in a list
- Measuring the length of lists
- Using a list to store the robot’s path in the maze
- Removing items from a list
- Using lists that contain Boolean values
- Merging lists, adding lists