Unit 1
Section 1
- Decimal numbers are natural for humans, but binary are better for computers.
- Binary numbers consist of zeros and ones.
- How to count in the binary system.
- How to generate random binary numbers.
- How to convert decimal numbers to binary.
- How to convert binary numbers to decimal.
- Each digit in a binary number represents one bit (1 b).
- Basic data types including integer (int), real number (float), text string (str), tuple (tuple), list (list), dictionary (dict) etc.
- How to check types of variables.
- How to generate random integers.
Section 2
- How to add (positive decimal) integers using the pencil-and-paper method.
- How binary numbers are added.
- Adding any base-n numbers including base-8 (octal) numbers.
- How computers process decimal numbers.
- How the binary shift works.
Section 3
- How to use the bitwise shift operators << and >>.
- How to use the bitwise shift update operators <<= and >>=.
- How to use the bitwise AND operator &.
- How to use the bitwise OR operator |.
- How to use the bitwise XOR operator ^.
- The above operators also work with Booleans True and False.
- How to use the bitwise complement operator ~.
Section 4
- Big advantage of hex numbers over decimal ones.
- Three main applications of hex numbers .
- How to count in the hex system.
- How to generate random hex numbers.
- How to convert decimal numbers to hex.
- How to convert hex numbers to decimal.
- Hex numbers can be defined using the prefix ‘0x’.
Section 5
- Special relationship between hex and binary numbers.
- Hex numbers can be converted to binary one digit at a time.
- Binary numbers can be converted to hexadecimal in four-digit chunks.
- How to count in the octal number system.
- How to convert decimal numbers to octal and vice versa.
- Binary, hexadecimal and octal numbers can be defined using the prefixes ‘0b’, ‘0x’ and ‘0o’, respectively.
- How to protect your functions against flawed input, especially against flawed user data.
- Sanity checks can take more lines than the actual function body.
Unit 2
Section 6
- Transistor count, Moore’s Law, and CPU clock speed.
- Exploring transistors and logic gates.
- Using Python to simulate the seven basic types of logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR.
- Practicing safe programming with assertions and exceptions.
Section 7
- Combining logic gates and simulating simple logic circuits in Python.
- Simulating the XOR gate using the AND, OR and NAND gates, as well as using the AND, OR and NOT gates.
- Simulating the Half Adder using the XOR and AND gates.
- Simulating the Full Adder by adjusting the Half-Adder to be stackable.
- Simulating the Two-Bit, Four-Bit and Eight-Bit Adders as arrays of Full Adders.
- Simulating the Full-Adder using the XOR, AND and OR gates.
Section 8
- Various uses of the underscore character _ in Python.
- Role of the so-called “shift” in multiplication.
- Performing multiplication with just addition and shift.
- Simulating the Four-Bit Multiplier using the Eight-Bit Adder.
- Simulating the Eight-Bit Multiplier using the Sixteen-Bit Adder.