NCLab was just updated! Your may experience temporary problems caused by your browser’s cache. Please empty your browser’s cache (“clear browsing data”) or press F5 several times. After that, NCLab should behave normally.
New Features and Improvements
– Newly created accounts require email activation.
– File system revamped. It is now more stable and faster.
– Available disk space shown in File manager.
– Problems with incoming notifications fixed.
– Chemistry section has a new ChemFig module for drawing molecules
– Search in NCLab’s public database improved.
– Karel the Robot module restructured.
– Password reminder improved
– LaTeX improved
– PDF viewer improved
– Uploading files to NCLab improved.
Remaining Issues
Some layout problems persist due to a bug in the underlying Ext JS window framework. We hope that this will be fixed in a new version of the Ext JS library that is coming soon.