Hosting the NCLab Summer Camp at an elementary school has a variety of advantages – students feel good in a familiar environment, and there is a playground where they can let the steam out during lunch break. They worked really hard on the second day. Many arrived way before the official 9:00 start time, and they just opened their Karel course and started solving problems. It was quite impressive to watch them. During the second day, they made a lot of progress on 3D modeling too – some of their designs are outstanding. And they have one more week to finish them before they will be printed. Below we show a few illustrative photos and also some 3D models.

Starting out early – Karel programming challenges can’t wait.

NCLab team member Ninad

Lunch break

Hung is the NCLab team goal keeper.
Sample 3D models created by participants
- DNA Model
- Bracelet
- Atom