Our Vision

"To revolutionize online skills-based training with AI-powered Learning-By-Doing, enhancing learner engagement and success across all skill levels."

Our Mission

"We identify individuals with the passion and potential for growth and we equip them with the technical skills that today’s employers need."

14 Years Of History

In 2010, Dr. Pavel Solin, UNR (University of Nevada, Reno) Professor of Computational and Applied Math, reached out to K-12 schools in rural Nevada to help them prepare students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Recognizing the size of the need, he built an artificial intelligence-based teaching platform and overlaid introductory visual Computer Programming and 3D Modeling training on top of the platform, as his first products.

These courses worked differently than the usual video-based online courses (Khan Academy, Coursera, Lynda.com, ...) which Dr. Solin found to be ineffective. In contrast to that, NCLab students actively engaged 100% of the time, learning through short tutorials and examples, and then immediately putting what they had learned to practical use, solving problems, and receiving instant feedback from the platform. Schools and libraries across Nevada implemented NCLab's STEM training. Schools in other states and countries followed.

In 2017, NCLab Data Analyst and Python Programmer training were commissioned by the Nevada governor's office to address the staffing needs of employers in Nevada. The resulting programs are now offered at all Nevada community colleges, at the University of Nevada, Reno, and at a growing number of educational institutions and organizations outside of Nevada.

In 2021, NCLab was selected by the State of Nevada's Workforce Development to assess and offer training to disadvantaged people so that they could take larger roles in the new 21st century digital economy. Other workforce development projects of various types have subsequently developed both in Nevada and in other states.

NCLab places a major emphasis on making graduates highly successful in their life after their training and it all begins with a pre-enrollment assessment that measures their compatibility with the training programs. As a result, enrollees can be confident that they’ll be able to successfully complete their training and get great jobs.

In NCLab programs, short bite-sized lessons are followed by immediate mini projects, which ensure that trainees gain experience and confidence with each new concept before moving on. NCLab surveys show conclusively that trainees love this way of learning. Success is assured for trainees willing to put in the effort to do the required work.

Instructional support and academic advisors oversee and assist trainees throughout their learning process, and when trainees complete their training, graduates have in hand a professional portfolio to demonstrate their qualifications to potential employers.

NCLab training programs map to industry-recognized certifications, and are continually being developed to adhere to additional certifications, in order to better assist NCLab graduates in their employment search.

NCLab programs are exceptional in the sense that they are proven to work equally well for high school graduates, college graduates, and working adults who have been out of school for years.

What Makes NCLab Unique In Online Technical Training?

NCLab stands out by offering a training approach that immerses trainees in hundreds of mentored, hands-on mini-projects. Through this practical experience, trainees gain the workplace skills and experience required by nearly 100% of job openings—an advantage unmatched by other online training providers.

Before enrollment, applicants complete a comprehensive assessment, ensuring they are well-prepared to successfully complete the training and secure high-quality jobs.

Unlike many training programs that require a strong math background, prior programming knowledge, or formal education and leave it up to the trainee to acquire those, NCLab provides foundational training at no extra cost. This ensures that even those starting from scratch can build the essential skills they need, recognizing that, just like scaffolding, a solid foundation is critical for overall success.

In addition to technical expertise, NCLab emphasizes the development of crucial soft skills, including problem-solving, attention to detail, critical and logical thinking, perseverance, professional communication, time management, and adaptability—qualities highly valued by employers alongside hard skills.

NCLab's programs are especially well-suited for online training, where traditional training methods often fall short. This is made possible by NCLab’s AI-driven teaching platform, which guides trainees step-by-step, offering real-time contextual assistance, hints, and templates as needed. The instructional staff also has unparalleled visibility into each trainee’s progress and challenges, far exceeding what is possible in a traditional classroom setting.

Finally, NCLab’s training programs align with industry-recognized certifications, valued by employers. However, it’s the extensive hands-on practice that truly prepares trainees for the workforce, as job readiness is developed through experience, not just certification.

Comparing NCLab's Online Training Programs With Other Online Training Programs

If you would like to better understand how NCLab’s training programs are fundamentally different from the vast majority of other online training programs, Click Here.

Alternatively, Click Here to get ChatGPT’s take on how NCLab’s training approach compares to other online training.

What Trainees Say About Our Training

NCLab’s training approach is unique. What is most surprising is how people love to learn and how it provides them a feeling of accomplishment that doesn't happen in other training. To hear people describe their feelings about it, click here.

