Prior Experience with Computer Programming Likert Questionnaire

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    I can confidently write computer programs in some language(s) such as Python, C/C++, Java, Javascript, etc.

    no experienceI have some experience with computer programming, but I would like to upskill myselfI can do this

    I have written programs that use the counting loop (for) and the conditional loop (while).

    no experienceI have been introduced to this skill, but don't have much experienceI can do this

    I have written programs that use conditions (if-else).

    no experienceI have been introduced to this skill, but don't have much experienceI can do this

    I have written programs that use custom commands and/or functions.

    no experienceI have been introduced to this skill, but don't have much experienceI can do this

    I know the difference between global and local variables.

    no experienceI have been introduced to this skill, but don't have much experienceI can do this

    I have written programs that use Boolean values (True, False).

    no experienceI have been introduced to this skill, but don't have much experienceI can do this