SOLVE THIS MAZE IF YOU DARE Happy Halloween from Karel the Robot!
Karel Halloween Game

SOLVE THIS MAZE IF YOU DARE Happy Halloween from Karel the Robot!
The self-paced and self-graded 3D modeling course is the most popular course in NCLab. We are extremely pleased to announce that 50 new tutorial videos were just added to it! The new videos greatly improve the students’ learning experience. Here are two samples. The first video explains how to create and color basic 2D shapes:
The 2016 Nevada Library Association (NLA) conference took place on October 18-19, 2016 at the South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Click on the image below to view the joined presentation by Robbie DeBuff (NSLAPR), Sena Loyd (Carson City Library) and Sheila Bunch (NCLab):
The 70th annual Nevada Libraries Association conference will be held on October 18th and 19th at South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. NCLab will be there with a presentation by Sheila Bunch (shared with Roberta DeBuff and Sena Loyd), and with an exhibit of computer programming and 3D printing. We are very much
Although this is not a typical Turtle activity, today we will plot the graphs of functions! Moreover, we will add some colors and 3D to it, and also spice it up with a bit of computer programming. Turtle Tina in NCLab is an excellent tool for that. You don’t even have to create a user
All but one review are in the Good / Excellent category. Given that there were internet connection problems that lead to significant delays, this result is pretty good. Thank you everyone and see you at CSTA 2017!
The camp took place last Saturday, September 10, and it was attended by about 12 kids and some parents (the library only has 12 laptops). The instructors, Kevin and Colin, were fantastic. Everything worked out of the box. Our team was present just to make sure that any eventual problems are resolved quickly, but there
Recursion is an advanced programming technique that is known to lead to elegant programs, but whose usefulness is sometimes questionable because most recursive programs can be rewritten easily in a non-recursive manner. The one example where the efficiency of recursion really stands out is traversing binary trees. Therefore we prepared a short video that shows
This Saturday, the Reno Northwest Library is offering the first coding camp for kids with NCLab! Suitable for complete beginners as well as for intermediate and advanced programmers. The camp is open for both kids and adults – recommended age is 10-99 years. Last several seats are available, so hurry! Visit the library page to
Click on the image below to view the presentation “21st Century Problem Solving with NCLab” by Sheila Bunch. This presentation is part of the Northern Nevada Math and Science Conference that takes place on Saturday August 27, 2016 at the Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) in Reno.